Get An Offer From Your Dream Firm

Sandstone Education is Australia's premier graduate and early careers advisory company. We have supported 1,000+ students in getting offered full-time roles at McKinsey, PwC, NAB, Goldman Sachs, Google and other globally renowned firms.

Start your journey today!

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Landing A Graduate Job Is Tough, Here's Why:

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More Graduates

Every year over 325,000 students graduate from domestic and international universities in Australia

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Higher Competition

According to the Australian Association of Graduate Employers, there can be up to 172 applications per graduate position

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Low Offer Rate

Only 3% of Australian students graduate university with a full-time offer

We Make It Easy, Here's How:

Through our consultancy approach, students receive individualised support throughout their graduate and early-career applications. We provide guidance across all aspects of their applications, such as choosing appropriate industries and companies, developing compelling profiles, polishing resumes and cover letters, providing extracurricular mentoring, and interview preparation. Find out more about our process below!

Crafting a plan & getting started

Following your initial assessment with one of our Admissions Advisors, we will develop a tailored plan crafted specifically for you, taking into account your age, current circumstances, and career aspirations. You will then be paired with an Educational Consultant who will guide you through your entire journey with Sandstone, serving as a central point of communication for you and your family.

Building your firm application list

The Education Consultant serves as the 'captain' of your application journey, assisting you in crafting a tailored application list and developing a highly customised roadmap. Your consultant will support you in assembling all components of your application(s), guaranteeing that your final submission(s) are polished to perfection.

Develop your extracurricular profile

Your Extracurricular and Leadership (ECL) profile holds significant weight in your graduate job and early-career applications. Our ECL Mentors, distinguished project builders and frequent alumni of Big 4, MBB & Investment Banking firms, will guide you in exploring your interests to develop capstone projects, land internships, gain leadership positions, and so much more.

Working with your applications mentor

Working with your Applications Mentor, you'll engage in brainstorming, ideation, crafting, editing, and refining your resume, cover letters and applications to resonate with recruiting managers. Our mentors, graduates to top firms, grasp the intricacies of crafting standout applications on demand.

Ace your online tests!

Whether it be the Logical or Numerical Reasoning tests or firm course specific tests or games, our tutors are have successfully passed them before and can help you lift your scores above the competition. As a Sandstone student you'll have access to the unlimited resources where you can organise prep sessions, access practice tests and get instant expert feedback.

Prep with an interview expert!

Prep with an Interview Expert! Our interview mentors have both sat in that interview seat and done the interviewing before - at McKinsey, Big 4 and other top firms in across the globe. They will work with you to make sure you're prepared for every question possible, have the skill and confidence to think on your feet, and help you prepare questions you can ask your interviewers in return.

Built For Busy Students

Who want to maximise results and avoid the nonsense.

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Personalised Approach

The job application process is not a one-size-fits-all approach. We understand every student's unique situation and create a personalised roadmap to their success.

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Top-Tier Resources

Our programs are modelled by the Australian Association of Graduate Employers, designed to provide you the strongest advantage.

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Real Hiring Expertise

All our consultants and advisors are ex-corporate employees so not only do they understand exactly what is required to land a graduate role, they've experienced it first hand.

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Having gone through the journey themselves, our Advisors can empathise with and understand any difficulties students have, beyond that of a regular tutor or colleague.

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Results Focussed

At Sandstone, we don’t just teach content – we employ a novel skills based approach to ensure students are best prepared for any job application process.

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Globally Trusted

Research shows that student results increase by up to 300% with the guidance of a Graduate Consultant over that of a do-it-yourself method.

Read Our Student & Parent Reviews

Lily Woods - Education X Webflow Template
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Before finding Sandstone, I was really overwhelmed. I was listing out all the networking I had to do, and the resumes and cover letters I needed to write. I thought 'this is too much'.

Through Sandstone, I was able to see which steps to take and when to take them. The team provided me with so much confidence and courage to keep going.

Bianca Senti
Matt Cannon - Education X Webflow Template
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The strategies taught are very helpful and am seeing improvements each week! The advisors are very engaging and explain everything so clearly.

Definitely recommended for students preparing for Graduate job applications as they will benefit significantly!

Daniel Smith
Sophie Moore - Education X Webflow Template
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I know Sandstone have the best expertise and experience in the market, but I didn't realise how invested my advisors would be in my preparation. The fact they got so invested in me and my journey gives you such peace of mind and huge confidence.

Sophie Moore
Lily Woods - Education X Webflow Template
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It really helped having Sandstone's advisors reviewing all my applications. Having someone who has read thousands of applications and has a very good idea of what works and what doesn't was a big reason I landed a position within the first 7 days of applying to graduate roles!

Katherine Cutts
Matt Cannon - Education X Webflow Template
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The biggest benefit of working with Sandstone was developing a successful strategy from grade 12 to my final year of university.

My advisor and I would regularly meet to develop and strengthen my ECLs, write applications for internships and professional experience, and provide me with clear, actionable tasks that I should aim to complete.

Daniel Smith
Sophie Moore - Education X Webflow Template
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Sandstone's support was fundamental to my full-time offers to BCG & McKinsey. I was able to land the hyper competitive position because of the support, guidance and expertise of my Sandstone advisors, and for that I will be eternally grateful.

Sophie Moore
Successful graduate offers
Students in our community
Average graduate salary
Student satisfaction rating

What Makes Our Students Succeed?

Our program is the most comprehensive package you’ll find – at the most competitive price.

Average student's approach

Sandstone student's approach

No application strategy
Clear & personalised application strategy
No profesional network
Strong professional network 
Weak extracurricular & leadership profile
Outstanding extracurricular & leadership profile
No relevant professional experience
Relevant professional & internship experience
Limited access to resources
Access to all up-to-date resources required
Minimal interview preparation
Comprehensive & specific interview preparation

87% Success Rate

9 in 10 of our students land a full time role by then end of their program. That's 30x the average success rate in Australia!

Get Started today

More Things That Help You Succeed...

Expert Advisors

All our advisors, strategists & educators personally worked for prestigious firms, making them the perfect entrance expert to guide you or your child on their journey.

It’s time to learn from the very best!

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Sandstone's Online Hub

Research shows humans retain 87% more information when engaged in stimulating and interactive activities.

The Sandstone Online Hub is specifically designed to be the most student friendly on the internet, say goodbye to boring programs and hello to success.

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Strong Team Collaboration

At Sandstone Education we believe teamwork makes the dream work.

No matter where you are in your journey, we will build you a team of experts that ensure you land your dream offer and kickstart your career the right way.

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