Get started with Sandstone!

Your journey to an elite firm is just a page away. Fill out the form below and a Career Advisor will get in touch with you and show you how Sandstone can help you get into your dream graduate position.

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Frequently Asked Questions.

What happens in an initial consultation?

A consultation is your first chance to discuss your future pathways with an expert. During the consultation, you will:

1. Get an idea of what it might take for you to reach your dream firm
2. Get a personalised and detailed quote of our services based on your needs
3. Understand what financial and time commitment it will take to get into a top firm
4. Discuss the strength of your application profile

How long does an intial consultation last?

Initial consultations will take between 15-30 minutes.

Will I find out how the program will benefit me?

Yes. The intial consultation is designed to get to know you

What is a Corporate Adviser?

A Sandstone Corporate Advisor is your first point of contact with the company, providing you with the information you need to land a full-time offer at your dream firm.

They can help you create specific education goals and strategies by learning about who you are and discovering what obstacles or challenges might get in your way.

In doing so, your Academic Advisor becomes your source of support and guidance – your north star – and will help you choose a course of action to start moving towards achieving your dreams, no matter how big or small they may be.